Who we are, what we do

Everton Football Club currently has approximately 1,500 shareholders, all of which are able to join the Shareholders’ Association.

The Association exists to provide a voice for the many views that shareholders may have.

To achieve this, an Executive Committee is elected at the Shareholders’ Association AGM to represent the Association for the following year.

The Executive Committee comprises 4 officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and up to a further 10 members of the association.

In addition to the 14 elected members of the Executive Committee we also have a Life President.

Life President – Dr. David France

The Officers of the Executive Committee for the forthcoming 2024/25 year are:

In addition the existing Exec Committee are:

  • Julie Hobson (Chair)
  • Keith Seymour (Secretary)
  • John Blain (Vice-Chair)
  • Ian Webster (Treasurer)
  • Robbie Daniels
  • Barry Hancox
  • Tom Hughes
  • Dave Kelly
  • Paul Murphy
  • Michael Owen
  • Phil Parker
  • Tony Rimmer
  • Ian Seymour
  • Martin Williams

The Executive Committee meet on a monthly basis to discuss ongoing issues prevalent to the club and also organises regular forums usually at Goodison Park which are open to all members of the Shareholders Association.

The forums have recently featured representatives from Everton FC, Everton in the Community, Everton Former Players’ Foundation, the Ruleteros Society, Trust Everton, the Everton Supporters’ Trust and the Everton Heritage Society.

The forums are informative and cover a wide range of Everton related topics including the youth academy, historical events, stadium development and the Clubs finances.

Mission Statement


On behalf of the Association members, to conduct Association business in the best interests of the institution known as Everton Football Club.

To encourage the wider ownership and distribution of shares in Everton.

To work constructively with the Club on any relevant policy or operational matter affecting the well being of Everton.

To work constructively with all members of the wider Everton community.